

Dr. Peter David Silway is the Founding Pastor of the Vineyard Workers’ of Christ Church. Originally a Roman Catholic, he has walked faithfully with his Master from the day he was saved and obediently followed the vision God gave him. He is a charismatic, trailblazing minister who has been a blessing to millions of people around the world.

Pastor Peter has always prioritized the Presence of God over everything else. For him prayer hod chasing takes precedence over people pleasing. So his messages are power-packed with divine revelation based on the Bible, confirmed by a slew of miracles performed in the name of Jesus and not just ear tingling speeches.


Born in a typical Hindu Gujarati family, Pastor Jayshri Silway took a life changing decision to follow Jesus after a divine encounter with the Master Himself. Married to Pastor Peter Silway, she stands as his voice for the state of Maharashtra, using the God given gift of translating Pastor Peter’s messages to Marathi.

She stands shoulder to shoulder with her husband, with equal passion and love to for the lost souls. She is the backbone of this ministry and the Co-founder Pastor of the Vineyard Workers’ of Christ Church

Pastor Dr. Peter and Pastor Dr. Jayashri Silway, have been true to the anointing and call of God on their lives.


The Vineyard Workers’ of Christ Church is a result of Pastor Peter and Pastor Jayashri’s obedience to a vision God gave Pastor Peter on 23rd September, 1989. For over 30 years they have labored to save the lost souls, heal the sick, love the broken hearted and to embrace the depressed in spirit.

God rewarded their faithfulness and from a small group of around 10 people, God has exponentially expanded their ministry.  The Vineyard Workers’ of Christ Church is currently one of the largest and fastest growing Church in India.

More than numbers or architectural beauty, this Church is a home to its members and a place of shelter to those in need. It bears witness to the homecoming of prodigal children, restoration of the fallen, transformation of the weak and resurrection of the dead. Come and experience it for your self. You are welcome in this House of God!

Regular Services

Crusade (Blessing meeting): Every Saturday – 6:00 pm to 9.00 pm

Church Service: Every Sunday – 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Bible Study (Discipleship Meeting): Every Monday – 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm

Youth Meeting: Every Sunday – 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Monthly Power Prayer