
“And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net” (Luke 5:5).

This verse is an example of fruitless labour. God designed every work to be fruitful. ‘Work’ becomes has meaning and purpose if it is done in line with the calling of God over our lives. If you live for God and his kingdom, then your needs will be supplied supernaturally. What I want to say is this: there are people who are not lazy still their hard work gives them no profits. When people live on their own they live in worry and that leads to excessive work or toil. God does not want us to worry or toil. It is unfruitful and a waste.

This spirit of profitless hard work is clearly described in the Scriptures, and has the following strategies:  debt, wrong investment, failure at the edge of breakthroughs, always struggling in job, no decent job, witchcraft, wrong business partners, tithe evasion, pocket with holes, abortion, sleep and slumber, bribery and laziness.

Some will fish and catch nothing. Here are a few strategies we can glean from Peter and his fishing:

  1. Fishing in the timing of God
  2. Fishing in the purpose of God
  3. Spiritual blindness
  4. Curse of non-achievement
  5. Anti harvest forces


How do we overcome all this?

  1. Surrender your life to Jesus
  2. Accept that your human efforts and plans are limited
  3. Trust the word of God even if it does not make sense
  4. Be willing to take holy risks
  5. Wage a war against the spirit of profitless hard work

Prayer points:

  1. Every evil chain on my hands, break, in Jesus’ name.
  2. My hands, refuse to cleave to vanity, in the name of Jesus.
  3. Every strange fire prepared against my hands, backfire in the name of Jesus.
  4. My hands, catapult me to breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.
  5. My hands, cooperate with the hands of the Almighty, in the name of Jesus.
  6. The anointing to prosper fall upon my hands in the name of Jesus. (Prophesy good things on your hands.)
  7. May the anger of the Almighty pursue my pursuers in the name of Jesus!
  8. The heavenly doors of my prosperity be opened by fire in the name Jesus.
  9. Every good door that the enemy has closed, I command you to open in the name of Jesus.