Sermon Outline

Key Verse: Psalms 139:16

Main Points:

  1. Introduction
  • Destiny is what God has purposed for every one of us.
  • Destiny is important but there are events that should not to be neglected.
  1. The Destiny of Man: Genesis 49; Jeremiah 29; 11
  2. The Gifts and Grace to Fulfill Your Destiny: Ruth 2

Additional References

  1. Acts.13:36
  2. 1 Corinthians10:6
  3. John 16:13
  4. Proverbs 22:8
  5. Genesis 44:16
  6. Philippians 3:18-21
  7. James 1:13, 14
  8. Luke 2:34
  9. 1 Thessalonians 3:3
  10. 1 Corinthians 14:1
  11. Hebrew 5:7-9
  12. 2 Timothy 4:7
  13. Psalms 90:12
  14. Mark 10:29-31
  15. Philippians 1:6
  16. Job 23:14
  17. Daniel 10:19, 20
  18. 1 Thessalonians 5:9
  19. Psalms 138:8
  20. Proverbs 19:20
  21. Exodus17:12
  22. Romans 12:2
  23. Genesis 38:12; 26
  24. Genesis 28:15
  25. Revelation 20:4


“Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect and in thy book all were written which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.”(Psalms 139:16)

The Psalmist here is talking about destiny. He says ‘You planned it all out as to how many days I would live. You wrote down the number of them in your books even before I had lived through even one of them.’ Every day of your life was already recorded in His book. All the stages of your life were spread out before God. Your story line is known to God. We are all like an open book before God. Even before we were born, He had written in our book everything that we would do. His plan, His destiny, His will is all written down. Every day of our life was recorded in His book. Things that have already happened and things that will happen are all written down, the beginning and the conclusion of our lives. Things that are established in heaven – that is what anointing is all about. Anointing puts you in the purpose of God. Yes many things have been ordained for us. Destiny is what God has purposed for every one of us.

If you are aware that you have a destiny, you will want to walk in it and be successful. I am not saying that you will get a prophecy of your destiny like Jacob gave to his twelve sons but you need to seek God for that destiny. The incident and the revelation of their destiny, is to give us an example of how we all are born with a destiny from God.

One may drift through life unaware of his main course but he needs to see that he doesn’t always remain a wanderer or he will miss the plan of God for his life. He should not stay away from the radius of God or then he will become a vagabond like Cain. Stick to your journey, only then there will be development and progress in the will of God. Some take two steps forward and 10 steps backward, that is not in the will of God. Time is important. The duration of life is measured out for each one of us and within that measure we need to complete our course. Yes each one of us has a time frame to work out our own salvation.

No matter how much you drift off see that you come back – and soon. David the prophet of God wrote this verse (Psalms 139:16) because he understood that he was given a destiny to fulfill like everyone else. That is why it is said of him. “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers” (Acts.13:36). This will of God is nothing but his destiny. He walked in his destiny. He fulfilled his purpose and the plan of God for his life. Did he make mistakes in life? Yes, but he got back to God. Today we will deal with the events that are required to fulfil ones destiny. Destiny is important but there are events that should not to be neglected. So we are going to study the actions, measures and the dealings we need to take to be in the perfect will of God.

I will show you from the Old Testament a clue of how people lived with their destiny on their minds. You know Jacob who became Israel and had 12 sons. When he was a very old man, he became a prophet of God. So one day he summoned all his sons before him and we see how amazingly he revealed to them their destiny: “Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days. Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; and hearken unto Israel your father.”(Genesis 49:1, 2). Now pay careful attention – the Old Testament has been given to us an example. You need to glean spiritual insight from it. That is why it is attached to the New Testament. We need to take their examples/patterns and see what lessons we can learn from them. Paul says “Now these things were our examples to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents” (1 Corinthians10:6).In verse11 he says, “Now all these things happened unto them for an example: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.”

Now let us come back to Jacob. He is referring to the distant future, including even the end of the age and the millennium. Most of the things related to the millennium, the roles they each play are given later and were added to it. But for now let us see how their destiny was written down and dictated by Jacob to his sons. I told you destiny is not explicitly revealed to everyone but we can glean some insights into it. The words of Jacob were not thoughts of a dying man. It was a prophetic word. Through that word he revealed their future and showed us how we need to keep ourselves in the destiny of God while warning us against sin. It was also to motivate us to live godly lives and make known to us that we need to know how events are lined up for our destiny. You can read of their destiny from the Bible in Genesis 49. But what I want to deal with is how our behavior affects our destiny. Do you know all the days planned for you were written in your book before you were even one day old? Your life is not an accident.

You have a destiny that only you can complete. Help will be given but it is upon you to fulfill it. God knows everything that will happen in your life. He’s not surprised by anything. And he knows your days have a destiny. We all get about 80 years, the Bible says. In the scheme of eternity, those 80 years are insignificant. So the Bible says this life is a preparation for the next. God wants you to practice on Earth what you will do forever in eternity. This destiny is not only related to your spiritual progress but also to the secular progress in life. We will go into all details pertaining to this matter. He has given you a destiny, something to do in this life – something only you can do. Before you were born, God wired you with certain ambitions, desires, and drives to play a particular role in history — one that only you can play. So keeping this in mind let us tread this area with the grace of God.

  1. The Destiny of Man

What is the destiny of man? What is God’s plan for man? Some say God has planned for some to be beggars and others to be rich. Others say in their previous life they had been good so in this life it was carried forward and they are rich. The Bible says this is the only life we have in the natural world. We had no previous births. What you do with this one life determines your destiny for eternity. Yes this life is the only life to live out the will of God to the fullest in order to enjoy untold privileges in the eternity of God. So to do that we need to know what God’s destiny and plan is for each one of us. The world talks of fate or fortune. People say “what has been written in my fate will come to pass in my life”. Bible doesn’t say that. Things don’t fall in our lap like ripe cherries. That is why the world just lives out its life, thinking that they are in the destiny of God. The world’s fortune is based on luck, chance or good deeds in the past life. They speak of ‘lot’ in the world. They say “this is my lot in the world,” “Samay se pehle and our Bhagya se adhik kuch nahi milta” (nothing is gained before time or more than what’s destined). So they resign themselves to the leading of the circumstances in their lives. They hold destiny responsible for their lives. Some say, “Kismet se jyada kuch nahi milta” (nothing is achieved more than what is fated). But as for us believers, destiny is the handwriting on the wall. It is providence for us. It is our future and what God has written it. In other words, circumstances do not drive your life. But you have to get into what is written about you and desire to live it with the strength of God. That is why the anointing is given and why the Holy Spirit is there. He will guide us into all the truth (John 16:13). See that no circumstance drives your life or it will drive you away from your destiny.

Destiny is God’s intention for your life. The world talks of horoscope while we talk of God given destiny and the divine will determined for each one of us in heaven. But it does not fall in our lap just like that. We need to use our gifts and take the help of grace to fulfill our destiny.

For the world fate is a predetermined course of events which are beyond human control. It is like what is written in fate will happen. A worldly man resigns himself to his fate. He says “if we can’t change destiny then why try changing it. Whatever happens happens for good and whatever will happen, will happen for good. So just relax and take what comes.” This is the passivity of destiny for them. This is fatalism and it is not Biblical. They say it is the gods that weave men’s lives and we can do nothing about it. According to them our decision cannot cancel or annul it. But that is not true because though God has written our destiny, it is a good destiny. God said “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”(Jeremiah 29; 11). So the plans of God are good yet they don’t turn out that way because of our weaknesses and we don’t take care of our destiny. We don’t want to discover it or we are ignorant of what our destiny is. So though God has written our destiny, it will not be automatically fulfilled. We make our choices concerning it. The Bible teaches us that man was created with the ability to make choices and he is held responsible for those choices.

The fall of man did not happen because it was a predetermined destiny. Adam and Eve were not hapless victims of a dominating Sultan kind of God. That was not true. On the contrary, Adam and his wife had the ability to choose obedience with its blessings or disobedience with its curses. They also knew what the result of their decision would be. God had not kept them in the dark. He didn’t just say, “Obey me and don’t ask me questions as to why you should not disobey”. God had told them the consequences of disobedience and so they were held accountable. This principle of we being held accountable for our choices continues even today. “He who sows wickedness reaps trouble” (Proverbs 22:8).

Let us see what Jacob prophesied over his twelve sons. First of all, this was not Jacob but Israel speaking. If it was Jacob he would have given favorable prophecy to his son Benjamin and Joseph but he didn’t. So we conclude that he was led of the Holy Spirit. This is the declaration taken from the book of the heavens and spoken to each son. This is an example for our learning that our destiny also is in heaven. We just need to discover it. I won’t deal with the destiny/will of God of all the sons but we might touch a few for our learning.

Jacob was anointed by the power of God and he spoke to his firstborn son Reuben: “Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power :’( verse 3). What was the destiny for Reuben? He should be first born. It means he would receive the inheritance of the first born. Did God have a great plan for Reuben? Yes. The words “you are my might, you shall be the excellency of dignity” speaks of overflow, the left over. It means his cup would run over. He would be superior. It speaks of greatness and quality. Yes Reuben’s destiny was that he would be a class apart. He would be of high quality, a worthy person in the eyes of God and the people. It speaks of honor and fulfillment. He would be crowned with glory and honor. Dignity speaks of elevation. As Jacob prophesied, Reuben might have been counting his chickens before they hatched. He might have it would happen. He would never lack. He would always be on top and never below. But wait. This is what God had written about him. This was God’s will for him. What is destiny? It is God’s will for Reuben. This had been predestinated for Reuben. This was the providence of God for him. This was his lot on the earth. It is not circumstantial – it is the divine providence. It would come in to effect because God destined it. This was Reuben’s cup. But wait – Jacob also revealed what would hinder Reuben’s destiny.

He says “unstable as water you shall not have pre-eminence, because you went up to your father’s bed, then you defiled it”. Reuben held a special place in the heart of the father. The first born sons had two rights. First, he became the leader of the family, the new Patriarch. Second, he was entitled to a double share of the inheritance of the father. But Reuben was not to receive this blessing because he is “uncontrolled as water.” Means unrestrained/stubborn/destructive. It portrays an image of water that floods its banks and goes wildly out of control. He was a lustful man. This showed Reuben was a weak and undisciplined man. He was unsound and unsteady in his ways. So he could not fulfill the destiny that God had for him. That was his destiny. He could have got it because that is what God had created him for. He was the first born. In other words when he was born God had this plan for him but he did not receive it because he was unstable as water. He was reckless in his life, even destructive. I don’t want to discuss what he did but he didn’t do right. He had a wrong relationship with his half brothers’ mother.

One might say that it is not justifiable that for one sin he had to forfeit his destiny. Yes that is right but let us read it completely. When did he commit this sin? 40 years before the prophecy but still he never dealt with it. This is what brought corruption in his heart and it increased in him till he became stubborn. Israel the prophet doesn’t say “WAS unstable as water”. It means Reuben still unstable as water. He had not changed for 40 years. Much was expected from him. He should have been above his brothers. He should have been the one to defend his father’s honor – not defile it. You may have a good destiny but it won’t benefit you if you don’t develop self control. Satan has plenty of time to wait for you to fall. All the potential in the world won’t benefit you if you don’t develop self-control, especially in the area of sexual temptation. We may have all the potential, our destiny may be glorious but we need to behave ourselves. If you are uncontrolled as water, it’s only a matter of time until your destiny will be set aside. Great gifts are worthless without godly character. No other tribe was so less spoken as Reuben’s tribe. They never really entered the Promised Land. Read later on the history of the tribe of Reuben. There was not a single prophet, not a single judge, a single king or priest that came from Reuben. Instability characterized this family and tribe.

This shows God wanted Reuben to excel in life. God wants you to shine as His star. He wants you to stand out among the people. He wanted Reuben to outshine others, he had to outclass others. He had to surpass all other unbelievers. Yes he should have been on the top. That is God’s will and destiny for you. You have to be the best. You have to outdo others. You have to come out victorious through all situations. God wants you to exceed and excel in life. He wants you to be the Master, the most talented, the most skillful. But that destiny remained unfulfilled for Reuben. Why? He did not repent for 40 years. What Jacob said had happened forty years before. For forty years God and Jacob had waited for him to repent of his wrong but he didn’t. See how it affected his destiny. Similarly there are certain things that can hinder your destiny.

The words that Jacob the prophet shared was not of his private feelings for each individual. If that was the case he would have had favorites. Like his father Isaac who had two sons: Jacob and Esau. He wanted to bless Esau but that was partiality and was of the flesh. Here it was not Jacob but Israel – it was the Holy Spirit declaring the purpose of God, taking into account their character and circumstances, letting them know what was destined for them and where they were headed.

Next it was the turn of Simeon and Levi. Were they sinless? No. We all make mistakes. But what does Jacob says: “Simeon and Levi are brothers; their swords are implements of violence. Let my soul not enter into their council; let not my glory be united with their assembly; because in their anger they slew men, and in their self-will they lamed oxen. Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce; and their wrath, for it is cruel. I will disperse them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.”(Genesis 49:5-7).

When Jacob says that these men are brothers, he doesn’t mean just biological brothers. He means that they are two of a kind. Brothers and sisters can either encourage one another to righteous living or to sin. These brothers plotted how they would get even with the Shechemites because the prince of Shechem had raped their sister. They misused the covenant of circumcision and made a mockery of it. The covenant of circumcision which should have been a channel of blessing was used as a tool for deception by them. When the Shechemites were weak after circumcision, these two brothers destroyed them all. But now was it sin that took them away from their destiny? No. This incident also had happened 40 years before this prophecy. But even 40 years later Jacob still speaks of his sons as angry men.

He doesn’t say ““Cursed be their anger, for it WAS fierce, and their wrath, for it was cruel.” He says it “is” fierce and cruel. They were still angry men. Uncontrolled anger results in senseless destruction of people and property. It means after that incident they never repented, never got right with God or their father who was heart-broken. They weren’t concerned about anybody’s feelings except their own. Most anger stems from selfishness. “I didn’t get my way! I demand my rights!” But that kind of anger hurts everyone, including the angry person. Now each son of Jacob had his typical weakness no one was exempt from it, including Judah through whom the Messiah came. The one silver lining in most of them was that they repented and got back to their destiny. This is what I want to focus on. Simon and Levi had a tremendously good destiny but their weakness was anger, which led them out of their destiny. Uncontrolled anger results in senseless destruction of people and property. Think of the families these men ruined by murdering all the fathers. So you see from this example how God writes our destiny but we at times rewrite our own destiny. This can be the picture of every believer as he would one day stand before Jesus Christ. So are we living according to our destiny?

I will take one more and that is Judah. Judah means praise. Now is the time for Judah. If I was him, I would be shaking in my sandals. Those other brothers had been evil but though good things were destined for Judah, yet he was also as bad as, at times worse than them. He also sinned. He was the one who talked his brothers out of killing Joseph and into selling him as a slave instead. Judah was part of the lie that broken Jacob’s heart. They told Jacob that Joseph was dead and Jacob entered an extended time of mourning. When Judah sought a wife, he married an unbeliever. He raised two sons Er and Onan who were so evil that God killed them both. Judah was a man controlled by fleshly lusts. His wife died and he sought female companionship in the bed of a woman he thought was a harlot. Judah was standing there hearing everything his father said to the first three brothers and I can imagine him waiting for the hammer to fall. He knew his folly because he had done all these things before the prophecy of his destiny came. But, when Jacob speaks to Judah, there is not one word of judgment. There is no mention of his sins. There is no word about his failures and his mistakes. There are only blessings, hope, and promises. Why? Look at the great things Jacob promises Judah: “You are he whom your brethren shall praise. Your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies. Your father’s children will bow before you. You are a lion in majesty. The scepter shall not depart from Judah, until Shiloh comes”. Why only blessings? Even though he also had committed many sins, why did Jacob not speak of those things? Why this blatant difference? Why Judah is blessed after all the evil he did? The answer is right there in verse 11. We are told that “he washed his garments in wine and his clothes in the blood of grapes” This speaks of repentance. There was a time when he repented before his father Jacob prophesied. He repented before God. He even repented before Joseph. When Joseph caught them with the silver vessels which he himself had planted in their sacks, he said, “what deed have you done? Don’t you know that I can divine things?” Judah was the only one who said “what can I speak? Or how shall we clear ourselves? God has found out the iniquity of thy servants.”(Genesis 44:16). Did you see that? He repented before God. He must have surely repented before Jacob. He made amendments and got into the divine destiny for his life. He brought his sins out in confession and so they are not mentioned against him again! That is how it works for us! What we bring out at the mercy seat is forgiven and will never be brought up again, neither here or at the Judgment Seat of Christ. The truth is we all fail and we all fail regularly. We all come short of the glory of God in thought, word and deed. We all come short in both sins of omission and sins of commission. The only way we can be restored to a place of fellowship with the Lord is for us to be honest about our sins. There is forgiveness for everyone who will repent and forsake his sins. Thank God for such a kind, loving and forgiving Savior! Praise God.

Every one of us is born with a destiny which God has ordained for us. How is our destiny? It is wonderful. God has great plans for us, plans of hope and a great future. This is the destiny of man. But then since we have our own choices, many don’t land up fulfilling their destinies. Now in this sermon I will not be touching the destiny of unbelievers because that is another subject altogether. But in passing I may share a few things for your benefit. Destiny is the purpose of God for each individual. It is the vocation, the call and the intention of God for each one of us. Many times, since it clashes with our own intentions and objectives, we are unable to see God’s will. In the world many know and speak of destiny too. The difference is that they have not discovered their God given destiny. “A man’s steps are from the Lord; how then can man understand his way?” (Proverbs 20:24). There are people who forsake the Lord and ignore God while they prepare a table for the god of fortune and for the god of destiny. What is the writer speaking of here? He is speaking of the people who think the destiny is limited to money and success on this earth. They talk of destiny but it is limited to the world.

They talk of destiny but it is merely related to money and success. The world talks of fate. It talks of good luck. Every man thinks that he is walking in his destiny, not realizing that destiny is not what he makes of it but is the will of God for every man and that it is written in heaven. We need to discover our destiny. The world talks of destiny in different ways. For them destiny is their god. They call fortune their god. Others call luck their god. But we know it is God who ordains our destiny. Now I will not deal with the destiny of unbelievers. I will speak of destiny in regard to believers mainly because you cannot talk of destiny unless you are born again. If you are not, then the devil will take you away from your written destiny and give you his destiny. That is why you need to pray and seek God. Pray that God may reveal to you your destiny. He will give you the blueprint for your life. If you don’t have one, come to me and I will pray for you. You think so that Hitler and his likes had evil destinies written for them? No. God had written wonderful destines for them, but they did not follow it up. When is our destiny determined? It was before we came on this earth. ““In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves” (Ephesians 1:4-5). The destiny of every man, woman and child is determined when they choose to accept or reject Jesus Christ as Lord.

He was sent to die for the world so every single person on this earth has an opportunity to be saved. Because God is sovereign, He knows those who will put their trust in Jesus before even they know it. He provides every opportunity through the promptings of the Holy Spirit, the testimonies of His people, the teachings and preaching of the Bible. The creation itself speaks of God’s love for the world. But then some write their own destinies by their own choices. “For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame with minds set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.”(Philippians 3:18-21).

You think so that Demas had wrong destiny’s written for him? No. He made a choice to go the wrong way. He wrote his own destiny. You cannot blame God for it. The days we live in are very shallow days. Children today want to live shallow spiritual lives. I appreciate Jacob’s willingness to step up and correct his sons. Initially he was passive but in his final days he steps up. He is firm. As parents these days there are a lot of compromises. We want to settle things in a way that will be convenient for us. Parents think ‘Why bother to train them and tell them the truth and take unnecessary trouble?”’ But this kind of thinking is ruining the lives of children. I know in our times our parents were very strict. My father would just look at us with a glare and we would know what he wanted us to do. We would never think of running from home no matter how much we were beaten. No parent ever feared that their son/daughter would run away from home or commit suicide but these days you tell your son/daughter anything, they will run away from home. They have no bearing capacity. They will take the easy way out. Yet, as parents one of the things we must do is tell our children the truth. Our society is caught up in building self-esteem. We don’t want to say or do anything that will put at risk anyone’s sense of worth. Yes you cannot anything to even a believer. They feel hurt and that is why God cannot use them much. In our times my mentor used to scold and correct us, yet we stuck on. Healthy people can be disciplined. Who is the most rebellious and prideful being that has ever lived? Satan. He always sought to have his own way, out of the boundaries God had placed upon him. He does whatever he wants. He hasn’t turned out very well. Parents, discipline your children. Exercise tough love. At times you may feel guilty of why you had been tough with them but at times it really works. There is no other alternative. At the same time shower lots of love on them. If we balance it out properly, you will bring them back in their destiny.

Every man and woman is born with a destiny. Even the devils destiny was different but his fate has been written through the foreknowledge of God. He has been foredoomed by God. It is written down that we may know that God has written the writing on the wall for the devil. The Bible is a completed book. His doom has been foreordained. Nothing can change it. Some will wonder what if Satan repents? He won’t that is why God has foreordained it. God did not prearrange it but God has written the outcome beforehand. So when we speak of destiny, I would say God has made great things for us but man can rewrite his own destiny. “For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.”(Philippians 3:18, 19).

Many times we cannot blame fate for the misfortunes that fall upon us. Sometimes people say, “What is written is what I get”. But see our fate says we are bound for hell yet then that was not actually the purpose of God. He purposed that we be saved. He purposed that we live for his glory. He purposed that we do some work for God. The choice is still ours. You cannot say “I have been destined to ruin”. No one is destined for ruin. Everyone is destined to have eternal life. But we rewrite our own destiny by our choices. The destiny that God has for each one of us is beautiful. So we cannot blame fate, kismet, predestination or God when tempted. “No one should say ‘God is tempting me’. For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone, but each one is tempted when by his own evil desire he is dragged away and enticed”(James 1:13, 14).

If you ask, “Pastor how can I discover my destiny?” My answer is: seek God. Show earnestness in God. Seek his face. Prayer is the main way you can mould your future and control your destiny. We are not fated and we don’t live by fate. We have a free will and a free choice. You need to read the Bible and realize that you are not of the world. You need to have taste for God, be prompted by God. Your destiny is with God and it can be revealed to you by the Holy Spirit. How can it be? For that there has to be a passion in you, a reliance on God. A heart that seeks/and pants after God. Speak in tongues as much as possible. Your destiny is already written down. You are on the highway of your destiny but you need to know how to reach there.

You are set for your destiny. It is already set in heaven but what you do depends on your choices. Like of Jesus it says when he was just born, the old Simeon came at that very moment and blessed them, and took the baby Jesus in his arms and said “Behold this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel.”(Luke 2:34). What is it? It was his destiny. The child was set – everything had been set for him in heaven and now he had to fulfill it. Why is the axe laid on many roots? Because the tree does not bear fruits. Why? Because they are not destiny makers. Paul says “no man should be moved by these afflictions, for yourselves know that we are appointed and destined thereunto.”(1 Thessalonians 3:3).

  1. The Gifts and Grace to Fulfill Your Destiny

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10).

You need to know that the actions of believers determine their future blessings in God’s program. It is not enough to just discover our destiny. We need to see that the events/works that are required should also be done. Even the choices we make today, will affect our destiny tomorrow. Destiny is something that God has planned for us before we were born. It is the divine will of God. It is like the handwriting on the wall. The world calls it fate or fortune. We call it divine destiny. This is very important as far as your destiny is concerned. This destiny is there but there are events that must follow that destiny. God has marked it all out for us.

All the occasions/the happenings/incidences follow your destiny. Like I told you about Ruth, her destiny was to become the great, great grandmother of Jesus. All her future was in Bethlehem. But where was she staying? In Moab. See how things unfold for her. Her destiny was written in heaven but certain events had to follow her destiny. However to know her destiny she had to become a believer, which she did. Though I don’t know much about her husband because we never see him inclined towards God. He was only a follower. He followed his father to Moab, stayed there and died there. I won’t go too much in his destiny. On the other hand, Ruth was of a different kind. She loved God and loved his people. She had dedicated her life to God and to the family. Though her husband died, that too was in her destiny. Naomi said she would be going back to her so Ruth followed her. Something inside her led her to Bethlehem. What was it? Was it the voice of God? No. It was just her love for God that took her feet in the right direction. Her dedication and commitment made her walk in the destiny set for her.

Her whole destination changed. Here she was on the path of Bethlehem. Naomi put her off, but she was determined. See how things unfold before her because of her humility, her love for God and the people. One incident after another happened in her life. People will call it accident, I call it divine accident. It was her action but it was God’s acts. For many it is common business of daily affairs, but for her they were the events that followed her destiny. Every crisis in her life was in fact attached to her destiny. Every new development in your life is attached to your destiny. But how you respond to every crisis that happens is very important. If you deviate, give up or are disappointed, it will push you further away from your written destiny. Every person that comes in your way is attached to your destiny. Every matter, situations and advent is a part of your destiny. Had Ruth been disturbed by what transpired in her house, she would have deviated from her written destiny. Yes she lost her husband yet she kept pushing forward to her destiny. Grace comes on such occasions. Yes she had no children till that time but she didn’t wait till God blessed her. She just walked on the path to her destiny. She was just flowing with it. She did not become bitter or cry over the crisis nor did she become sour.

You know bitter people at times become harsh. They are unpleasant to talk to because they are distressed and in pain. Crisis in our life are hard to get by but becoming bitter about them will hinder the realizing of our destiny. Ruth is as an example for us. Bitterness, envy and jealousy will drive you away from your destiny. Yes bad things happen to each one of us. There are painful issues to be resolved and disturbing news to handle. There are offensive words spoken against us. But if we get stuck on it, then we will be drawn away from our destiny. This world is merciless, cruel and annoying at times. Other times our own believer friends are very distasteful but just keep these things out of your mind.

You have a destiny to fulfill. Yes, even I and my wife had to face some heartbreaking news and incidences but that never bothered us. Not that it didn’t bother in the sense that it didn’t make us worry but that it didn’t have a negative effect on us. We just drank the cup. Yes you need to learn to drink the cup the Father has given you. Then you can do the will of the Father and the will of the father is the destiny He has kept for each one of you. Sometimes people may be cold towards you or piercing and cutting but take it as part of the ride.

I have no time to run through the destiny’ of all the 12 sons of Jacob but I will consider a few. Like the prophecy concerning Zebulun – his prophecy or his destiny was that he shall be a haven of ships and sure providence will securely plant him. God appoints people and bounds of our habitation to get into our destiny. But it is our wisdom and duty to accommodate our lot and to improve it. It is upon us to get the right help, flow with the right people, seek God for the right gifts and grace and flow with a humble spirit for the destiny to be fulfilled. There are actions to be taken at the right time and there will be trials in our lives to bring us back to God. All the happenings in our lives and all the incidents that take place propel us in the direction of our destiny. There is a temporary destiny and an eternal destiny, which will be our final destiny.

Every incident that happens in our lives is to set our feet in the direction of our destiny. There are times you need to relax in what God is doing. Then there are other times you need to be violent to take things by force. Everything that is happening in your life is not an accident. You need to get into the Father’s business. You need to be a part of the act. Be available, be ready. Crisis may come but you need to handle every crisis by the grace of God. Even in your mistakes get back to God and be humble enough to accept your follies. Cross one milestone after another – it is setting you for a greater blessing. It is living a ‘miracle’ life. God is there, the Holy Spirit is there, the Word of God is there, we are there and prayers are there so don’t feel bad about what people do to you. There are no misfortunes in a believer’s life. There is no mishap. You will triumph in the end. You will get what God has for you. God says I have great plans for you, plans to prosper you and not to put you down but to give you a hope and future. There will be negative results in your life. Men do not thrive, because they do not fix.

Look at Simeon and Levi they were also sinners. They were also vengeful. They murdered the Schechmites. When they went and killed the Schemities, Jacob said cursed be your anger. Did you see that? Jacob did not curse their persons but their anger. But then later they turned from their evil ways, made amendments in their lives and got back to their destiny. Look at Levi. During the time the Israelites worshiped the calf, when Moses said who is on the Lord’s side come to me, the Levites were the first people to run to Moses. It shows that they didn’t worship the golden calf. God honored them for it and he set apart them as priests. You have to bring changes in your lives to get back to your destiny. Paul says “Follow after charity” – that means pursue after love and “desire spiritual gifts” (1 Corinthians 14:1). He is actually saying pursue after the spiritual. In other words he is saying, chase after it, go after it and make it your vocation. Practice love and desire after the things of God.

Now God has given you gifts that you may be elevated and be used in life. However for that you need to birth it through prayer. You may have noticed it that when you go for overnight prayers or spend much time in prayer a lot of things in your spiritual life seem to be accelerated. Where before your Christian life was travelling at 30 kms per hour, now you seem to be cruising at 100 kms per hour. A lot of acceleration happens when you spend time in prayer. I am not just talking about ministry. You could be called to be a Christian with an enterprise. God may have destined that you be a multi-millionaire for Christ in several years’ time. Yes many think that God wants Christians to be holy Joes with torn and tattered clothes. If you go on without accepting your destiny for another 20 years, things will not move, you will end up counting your coins. All this when Gods’ will was you should be counting 2000 rupee notes! God wants you to know He has a destiny for you but you need to get the gifts of God and use them. You need to get to the gifts and grace of God and they don’t come without spending time in prayer. For a nominal Christian it is okay, but it is never okay for Gd. It is abnormal for God.

Once you reach your destination, nothing will offend you. Look at Ruth. She was taking the turns as they came. She was like water which turns according to the markings. Beloved you don’t need great wisdom to fulfill your destiny. Keep things simple and you will fulfill your destiny. I will give you certain guidelines to fulfill your destiny. I spoke a bit on how to discover ones destiny. Now I will tell you how to get into the events that lead you to your destiny.

Some sudden crisis may come your way. Don’t worry. God has accounted for all that in His great plan and destiny. You know when you build a house you first make a blue print or then you can also make a beautiful model of it. Though everything looks so beautiful and easy, yet when we start building it in reality, you come across so many hurdles. Getting permission, buying raw materials, there is money shortage or manpower issues, fights with workers and so many other hurdles. But if you go through the grind to build it with the right people and seek God and pray, things work out together for good. One day the house will be ready for you to enter. The destiny is the same. It is beautiful but the paths are rocky, yet help is on the way. God and his angels are there to help you.

All the incidences, happenings and affairs will propagate God’s work. Greater the destiny, greater the offences. Look at Jesus. He came with a destiny on this earth. Was it easy? Did all support him? No. The events that followed Him mad it seem as though God was nowhere around Jesus, helping Him to fulfill His destiny. Yet nothing perturbed Jesus. Nothing disturbed him. Yes he had to cry. Does not Hebrew give us a clue? “Who in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto Him that was able to save Him from death, and was heard in that He feared; Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered; And being made perfect, He became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him” (Hebrew 5:7-9). He completed the work that was his destiny – to die on the Cross of Calvary and redeem mankind. He finished it. That is why he cried out “it is finished”. It was a victory shout in the midst of pain and death. See him escaping from the hands of evil men who wanted to throw him down the cliff in his native village of Nazareth. See how Herod wanted to kill Him when he was just a child. Till he ministered, Herod wanted him killed. The Pharisees hated him. Why? Because He came with a destiny. Just because you come with a destiny doesn’t mean that everything will flow with your destiny. No. The devil is the god of this world. He will try his best to stop you from reaching your destiny. Every accident, every act, appearance and business is part of your destiny. There are many things that will be added as you keep to your destiny. There will be marriages at home and there will be funeral at home. There will be celebration and there will be mourning. There will be crisis and there will be benefits. There will be accidents and there will be miracles. A door will be shut but a door will be opened. There will be a situation that will be insurmountable and there will be a situation where you will flow easily. At times there will be restlessness and at other times there will be peace. But as you continue with God, boldly depending on Him, you will continue to cross milestones in your destiny. Every turn will be of God. You will have triumphs in the midst of trouble. Adverse effects will be there but there will be positive results too.

You need to know that God has destined everyone to be saved. He wants it that way. But we know all will not be saved because of our freedom to choose. If you give your heart to Jesus, you are in the destiny of God. However, it doesn’t stop there. You need to move in the events of that destiny to fulfill your destiny. For that, as a believer, though our future destiny is in heaven, we need to remember that there is a destiny in regard to our works and what God expects from us. The moves of God in our lives take place in the spiritual realm first before it happens in the natural realm. But there is a small condition here: we need to respond to the spiritual realm – the patterns and the designs are all given. There will be God-sent people for you. How you move with them will also determine whether you are in the destiny of God. We need to respond to the spirit realm and flow with others. You need to flow with others in the church where you are placed. Otherwise the plans God has for our lives may never be manifested because we do not flow along with them. First of all, realize that you are carrying your destiny in your own spirit because the indwelling of God in your life brings an indwelling presence. It brings an indwelling destiny, prompting, inspiration and revelation. Moreover, you need to know how to flow with people because the destiny that you have is not for self but for the good of others. Joseph’s destiny involved his brethren. If he had not moved with them with love and forgiveness, he wouldn’t have fulfilled his destiny. His destiny was not that he should be the PM alone. That is just an ambition fulfilled then. The world sees it that way. The world may even tell Joseph to climb on the shoulders of his brethren to reach the top. But that destiny that the world talks of is worldly. It is not divine. The divine destiny for Joseph was to gather his brethren around himself and keep them together. What is the use if my destiny is only to become a great pastor? It is unfulfilled and incomplete. My destiny is with you. How much has it affected you? How much has it helped you? My destiny is not just to get saved and go to heaven.

Actually if you have passion for Christ and if you have love for Christ there is no escape from your destiny. You will know everything that you are doing is destiny focused. Look at Paul. He says, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.’(2 Timothy 4:7).He is talking of his destiny and the purpose of life. How can he know it and we don’t know it? To know this, you need to keep your ambition, shortsightedness, self worth and selfies aside. When one takes a lot of selfies, it is nothing but self admiration. Then when anyone says anything to you, you are hurt. These things stall our progress in our destiny. Many believe in selfdom not martyrdom. Keep your focus on your destiny. Moses said, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. (Psalms 90:12).

Fulfilling one’s destiny is not for people of weak standing. There is a price to fulfill your destiny. It may take you through valleys and shadows of death. But if you are sincere, God will be with you. You don’t have to fear because His goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life. Destiny makers may at times have to deny some things or will be denied certain things but that should not shake them. Jesus Himself said, “‘Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time – houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions – and in the age to come, eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”(Mark 10:29-31).

Remember one thing those who fulfill their destiny, rewards await them in heaven. As soon as Paul speaks of his accomplishing his destiny by saying, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course,” he says henceforth “there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness” (verse 8). Rewards on this earth do not guarantee rewards in the other life. In other words just because you got medals and certificates here it does not automatically mean we get rewards in eternity too. God’s standard of measuring our worth is on a different scale. But one thing is sure if there are rewards up there then it is a guarantee you will get rewards here too. Even if by neglect or on purpose you are not rewarded here, don’t worry. God will reward you for eternity. He who lives for eternity will fulfill his destiny. God will help you too. “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”(Philippians 1:6). “For he will complete what he appoints for me, and many such things are in his mind.”(Job 23:14).

Destiny seekers need to at times take the help of others. There are times when you are fulfilling your destiny but your mind is clogged because of so many persecutions that come your way. You are trying to build the church butt at the same time some wicked people are after you to ruin you. You have taken an important decision concerning purchase of land or some other event but you don’t know what to do. You are packed from all the sides. At such times God speaks through people whom you never thought could speak the word of God to you. You need to have responsive ears.

That kind of help came to Moses too. When he was wearied of praying for the people, Jethro an unbeliever came and advised him what to do. David had people to help him – some were his friends while others were unbelievers like Ittai who helped him. Help will come from unknown sources. God has given you the fruit of the Spirit. Employ them to the fullest to fulfill your destiny. Show forth love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness and self control. Do not frustrate the grace of God. Use it to the fullest. Forgive people. There will be offenders trying to pull you down. Don’t worry. You go ahead in the strength of God. You are not fighting for earthly glories. You are going to be given thrones to rule for eternity. What is the price that you pay? It is nothing. Let not people draw you away from your rewards.

Let no man take away your crown. Our actions determine whether we are going to fulfill our destiny and our future blessings in God’s program. The choices we make today will affect our descendants and the people around us. Do you know our destiny is not just related to the earth? It is also for eternity. John tells us that thrones are kept for us. He didn’t say a throne of God is kept. He spoke of thrones: “And I saw thrones and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them:” (Revelation 20:4). Can you imagine the position you get by fulfilling your destiny? Yes there is a price to pay for being a Christian.

To fulfill your destiny God has given us talents, skills and wisdom. Use them to fulfill your destiny. Fulfilling your destiny involves discovering what talents and gifts you have. He has given them for your use. Don’t wrap them in the napkin and bury it under the earth. Don’t just use those talents to get you your daily bread. Use those God given talents for the kingdom of God. These talents aren’t just means to earn bread and butter for you. They also signify the spiritual gifts in your life. All the talents you were born with, that you received after you became born again and that you developed and sharpened to earn your daily bread, should also be used for God’s kingdom. Like for example if you are good at accounts and are now earning your daily bread through it, now use that talent also for God’s work. Get some work done in the church. Ask the administration if they need your service for God. Or if you have a good command on any language and God had placed you in a position where you are good in a particular language (for instance you can speak good Marathi), that is a talent too. You use that to speak about God in your home and among your friends. You may say ‘It is not a talent. I speak at home, what is so great about it’. But you don’t know others might envy your language. They say how well she/he speaks. Use that talent for translation. If you know the Bible, use it for God’s glory. I am not saying use only those talents that relate to your profession. Do something instead of doing nothing. Paul had Dr. Luke. Luke was not only a doctor by profession but he was a great help for Paul. He fulfilled his destiny. Now he is waiting for his reward. You are supposed to use your gifts and talents and be faithful in it for the rest of your life. In all conditions be faithful till your last breath. Whether we are accepted or rejected, whether we are recognized or not recognized, we are to discover our destiny and be faithful in public and in private. Whether there is cheering or jeering, be faithful to God.

Gifts and talents include both the business talents and natural talents. If the degree you earned is just for earning bread and butter then you are a poor businessman. Don’t be too busy using that talent to just gain a foothold on this earth. Don’t embrace this world. Use your talent for eternal values or then you will go to heaven and regret. The devil wants you to be too busy in this world. He says clasp this, embrace that, possess this, have dominance on that, occupy this and have authority over that. It is all related to the earth. Men are doing this even at the age of 60 and 80. For what? How can you still want to find a footing on this earth at that age? But it is foolishness at any age to find our future here. Destiny comes with talents. Never forget this truth. The day He created us, He gave us talents. The talents may be different in proportion but every single one has some talents. Some have five, some have two and some may have one. The least is one but everyone has it. Many times we enjoy using this god given talent to climb the ladder of success. When we get our promotion and increment it is good and proper but when it comes to using of those same talents for the kingdom of God, we don’t show a bright face or we don’t show our skills and talents.

In the work place there are goals set, there is a target given and there is a time limit to finish that goal and achieve that target. There are short term goals and long term goals. You need to prioritize your work. People do it all to achieve a certain hold on this earth. Beloved, how much more we need to shine for God! You need to make sure that none of your talents rust. Check whether the talents are buried under the earth. You may be using all your talents 100% for self and you may be deceived by thinking you are using the God given talents fully. Yes, but is it for God or for self? I am not saying keep your family under the poverty line. No. I am saying take care of them but see that you do something in the church for the kingdom of God. Shine for Jesus. Sometimes you need to make a choice of doing one thing over the other. There has to be an order in the work too, a rank. So arrange things in an appropriate fashion. If something is taking too much of your spiritual time, then cut it short. Some things are just wasteful things.

Like I remember I loved to see cricket. When I was small, we didn’t have a TV set so my brother and I would run for about 5 kms to a small hall where a TV set was placed and many others also would come to watch. Morning 10 the match would start – I am talking about one day match – we would be there from 9 to 5. No food but only surviving on water. There would be drinks break and lunch break and others would go home because they lived nearby. We wouldn’t go. We would loiter there, hold our stomach because of the hunger pangs but yet watch the match. We used the running talent and the fasting all for the world. But that was before I knew Christ. Even after knowing Christ, in the beginning I still used to watch cricket matches. But I didn’t realize when I stopped it. Now I don’t even know who the players are except Virat Kohli. You need to rearrange your priorities. There are some mundane things that take away too much of our time and so we need to sit down and shuffle things. You need to even change the date and the timing of certain things. Some things can be put on hold, other things can be delayed and still others can be cut off completely.

Like for a mother she has to cook daily so she has a set of rules and she follows it religiously. But when a child is sick and needs attention, you have to put away those everyday things to accommodate your child. You need to sit with that child, let her know that her mom is there for her when she is feeling down. Yes I know your one eye may be on the pilling work that needs to be done, but at times you need to skip those off to accommodate the more important things. Your plans may get interrupted and schedule may get postponed but you need to highlight the urgent matters.

Similarly in the spiritual matters, we may be taken up with our work so much and need to finish one work while another waiting but, we need to know what to choose. We all have to make our choices because God has given each one of us only 24 hours each day. There are lots of temptations, parties, friends and they all want us. But indulging in all of this will finally make you please everyone except God. You won’t even realize that you are celebrating your 80th birthday but will you be ready to meet Christ? Have you done justice with your talents and gifts? Will you see the smiling face of Jesus who will say, “Come in my faithful servant. You have done full justice with all your talents and gifts; enter into the joy of the Lord? If you do, you will be thankful that Pastor Peter had shared this message and obeyed it. Praise God!

Be aware of God the Holy Spirit in you. He will bring to pass what is destined for you because He knows the future. When the angel was talking with Daniel, the Prince of Greece had not appeared on the scene. That time it was the Prince of Persia ruling. You see the prince of Greece had not yet come. In other words, it was the kingdom of Persia ruling and Daniel was living under the King of Persia. But look what the angel says in Daniel 10:19, 20: “when the angel came he said, ‘Peace be to you and be strong.”  When he said that, Daniel felt strength coming in him and he asked the angel to speak. The angel said, “Do you know why I have come? I am going to fight against the Prince of Persia and when I go, the prince of Greece will come.”

Yes he is talking about another kingdom in line to take over the former kingdom. He said now the kingdom of Persia is ruling, but soon the kingdom of Greece will take over. He knew who were all lined up in the future. He could see it in the present. Angel Gabriel knew it all though Alexander the Great had not even risen yet. But in the spiritual realm, Gabriel was preparing the way for the Greek empire to rise. That was way before history even happened. Yet, Daniel was told of something happening in the spiritual realm that will follow the natural realm. The rise and fall of nation takes place in the spiritual realm first before it takes place in the natural realm. So also, the moves of God in your life take place in the spiritual realm first before it takes place in the natural realm. However there is a small little condition here. If we do not respond to the spirit realm, the plans of God for our life may never be manifested because we do not flow along with them. Everything is from the inside, deep in the depth of your spirit.

There are many events that are involved in the fulfillment of your destiny. It can also be things permitted by God. It may be afflictions that come your way but don’t be too much disturbed about it. These are events that grace your walk in the fulfillment of your destiny. Paul says “so that no one would be disturbed by these afflictions, for yourselves know that we have been appointed/destined for this.”(1 Thessalonians 3:3). Things like these will happen. You are a believer and you will come somewhere close to your destiny. You are not recreated for Gds wrath. That was in the past.

“For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.”(1 Thessalonians 5:9).

“The LORD will accomplish what concerns me; Your loving-kindness, O LORD, is everlasting; do not forsake the works of Your hands.”(Psalms 138:8).

“Listen to counsel and accept discipline, that you may be wise the rest of your days.”(Proverbs19:20).

  1. Events that Lead you to Fulfill Your Destiny

Some people too are a divine arrangement for you. As far as their calling is concerned, it is to serve you and help you. That is their destiny – each one according to their own gifts. There are people with me like admin personnel, pastors, the elders, the cell leaders, the zonal leaders etc. Who are they? They are fulfilling their destiny. Their destiny is to help me in the ministerial work. This is the arrangement of God. This is the plan of God. He is preparing them for me and in their own ways they are fulfilling their destiny. This is the intricacy of God’s wisdom. Every day you are achieving it by doing the will of God. You have to live it out to bring about that destiny. You have to make it happen. You have to go against the stream of things. This is your call and this is your answer to His call. Yes for this to happen you need to conform yourself to Christ. You should not conform yourself to the world. Jesus said, “I came to do the will of God”.

Do not just hear the Word of God but to do the will of God. This is the destiny that Jesus was speaking of. It has to be brought into effect. Execution is the key. So if you want to flow in your destiny, you need to also flow with me like I have to flow with you. The fulfillment of each one’s destiny depends not only in discovering our destiny, but also working towards it. Knowing the destiny is not enough, completing it is the key. So there is a plan to be adapted and a procedure to be followed. Yes people will give you plans but you need to know whether they are a help to your destiny or a hindrance. It is very important. We do need people but they should not become a hindrance to you or damage the work of God that you do. Such ones you need not take into confidence. Yes at times some are handicap for us. They bring injury to us so we need to graft the right people around us.

Any obstruction to the good work of God is not proper. I direct this even to my leaders. You are fulfilling your destiny but see that you use the gifts that God has given you to help me out in the work of God. Lend a helping hand as Hur and Aaron did for Moses. They fulfilled their destiny being a support for Moses. They rallied around him in his call and backed him to the end. They were a benefit to Moses. Aaron was called to be the High Priest but he also helped Moses in lifting up his hand. What was it? It was an additional work that he did apart from ministering as the High Priest (Exodus 17:12). You need to know that you may have a major work, but the minor work is going the second mile. Be a boost when your work. God has given me people. They cooperate with and encourage me. They are there for the furtherance of the gospel. If any work gets a lift or progresses through them, they are fulfilling the destiny of God for themselves. If I take your names from the pulpit and say you are a blessing to me, realize this truth that you are fulfilling your destiny. If somebody is a hindrance to the work of God, they are not fulfilling their destiny. It may be due to ego and arrogance. If you serve, serve well. Do it cheerfully. Be a standby like Joshua. Stand up for anything that is godly.

And as for me, I should take your help. I should not say I will do it alone. God has set people along the way. If you want to fulfill your destiny, walk with destiny makers. In other words those who are aware of their destiny and walk in it, walk with them. Stick to them. Some are just called to be helpers. They will be helpers and laying tables all their lives but that is their destiny. They need to be devoted to it and while they do it, they may land in building friendship with others. Praise God for such a communion but like out of the seven anointed to lay tables, one later on was lifted up to be an evangelist. That one was Phillip. He didn’t say, “How can I leave my friends? I will sacrifice the call for my friends.” No. At such a time, your destiny is important. He left them. God has given me help from most of you. You stick with me. You work for me and develop the call God has given me. Your call is hidden in my call. Nobody in that sense is alone. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect”(Romans 12:2).

Keep these two points in mind and you will accomplish the destiny that God has for you to the T.

I read of this young fellow who was just 19 yrs old. He who wrote 70 resolutions in his diary: “Resolved, that I will never do anything which I should be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life. Resolved that I will like this. Resolved that I will fulfill what God has for me. Etc.” This fellow was none other than Jonathan Edwards, who went on to become the great revivalist preacher of the first great awakening. Even after 300 years, his writings still inspire people. Some may think he was a gloomy or depressive type of person. No. He wrote, “I resolved that I will do whatsoever I think to be most to the glory of God and my own good, profit and pleasure in the whole of my duration without consideration of time and place.” He wanted to live for the glory of God. He wanted to get into his destiny. Each day he lived out his destiny. He knew God had a plan for him and that every event that came across his destiny was God ordained/God allowed and he would go through it with a smile. Today the reason Christians are not able to handle trials well is because they don’t know their destiny and they don’t know that the events that follow it are also God ordained.

If you want to be a destiny maker, disconnect yourself from negative people. They are the people who will not take your life forward. The Bible says if you move with the wise, you shall be wise but when you are in the company of fools you end up in destruction. Walk in holiness; watch your heart and tongue. There will be times God has to restructure many of you. Be ready to respond. Anything that stalls your progress is a hindrance from the devil.

If a business has not moved your life forward, you should find out from the Lord whether you should be doing it. I am not talking about that business which may not have prospered you materially or given you money. I am talking about that business which has not moved you further in the kingdom of God and in your destiny. It is not just about money. It maybe a certain work/business which has brought you money but if it has put your clock back, what is the use of that money? If that money has stopped you from using your talents for God’s kingdom, it’s not worth it. If that house you have been living in has not brought progress in your life, it is time to check whether that is the place you should be in. If a friend to whom you are stuck like a leech has not moved you forward in your destiny, it is not worth having that friend. It is time to check whether you should continue with him/her. These are destiny demotions. Now I am not saying you should be their enemy. No. You need to know who are going to propel your destiny ahead.

Now as I told you about the 12 sons of Jacob. Among all the 12 sons, greater responsibility is given to Judah the fourth son. The first three were disqualified. Judah was not a spiritual giant. You know Judah was the one who pushed his brothers to sell Joseph for a profit. He separated himself from God’s covenant. He hung around ungodly men like Timnath and Hirah (Genesis 38:12). He had committed many follies. He failed to keep his word to his daughter in law Tamar. He led an immoral life. Yet why did Jacob pronounce such a rich blessing on Judah? Because every time he went astray he confessed and repented of his sins (Genesis 38:26). He even took full responsibility for the safety of Benjamin. He offered himself as a substitute for Joseph. The blessing of Judah is a beautiful picture of God’s grace to those who confess and repent of their sins. So he fulfilled his destiny.

Beloved don’t be afraid you will fulfill your destiny because it is God who works in and through you for His good pleasure. Didn’t God tell Jacob, “And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.”(Genesis 28:15). Confess it every day. Bind the strong man in your life. Just command every witchcraft power, evil powers, and evil friends working against your destiny to fall down and be destroyed in Jesus name. Command every power of darkness assigned against your destiny to fall down and be destroyed in Jesus name. Some will say, “Why didn’t the Old Testament saints ever do this? Because it was Jesus who revealed the devils program against us. So we are in a better position and covenant to take authority in Jesus name to pull down all destiny destroyers.

Pray, “Lord anytime I go away from my destiny, You lead me back by your grace and mercy. I refuse to be removed from the divine agenda in the name of Jesus. I refuse to be limited by any power of darkness in the name of Jesus. Lord let every perverted destiny be removed from my life in Jesus name. I reject every satanic re-arrangement of my destiny in Jesus name. I refuse to live below my divine standard in Jesus name. Lord let every damage done to my destiny be repaired now in Jesus name. O Lord, restore to me your original plan and design for my life. O Lord, speak to me, lead me and guide me to fulfill what you have for my life. Let the spirit of excellence come upon me. The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon my life in the name of Jesus. I break every curse of backwardness in the name of Jesus. Every unprofitable hurt feelings, offences, distress and pain be gone out of my life in Jesus name. I break everything that controls my life in an evil way in Jesus name.”

You may have wandered away from your destiny, but you need to come back and start afresh with God. It can be in both the spiritual and secular realm. Even in the secular world God may have planned something wonderful for you. Take Joseph for example. God had destined him to be the PM of Egypt. But he had to walk the road to reach his destination. Along the way the devil tried to keep him away from the perfect will of God for him. But he stuck on. Yes it seemed like he would never be able to reach that post. Was it not given to him at the very start of his life? Even at the age of 17 it was revealed to him what he will be and that his brothers would bow down to him. But he lived with a right attitude he did not sin. Martin Luther once said “There are two days on my calendar—‘Today’ and ‘That Day.’” The actions of believers will determine their future blessings in God’s program.

It is time for you to analyze where you are, where you are going and what you will do to get there. You either know your blue print or you don’t know it. I am not saying God gives it all in one day. But as you remain faithful to Him and move forward, God will reveal it to you little by little. Don’t just the talk about destiny, but move in your destiny. Then you will see it unfold before you step by step. That doesn’t mean there is no prosperity in the way of destiny. There is. Some are stuck blindly to what will not make them prosper thinking that it is the will of God. To be destiny keepers you don’t need to live like a beggar. Some people are 100 kms away from their destiny. They have gone too far out in the world searching for bread and butter. By the time they realize it and come back they are already 70-80yrs old. So see that you don’t forget your destiny. Keep these things in mind and I tell you, you will finish your race and accomplish the purpose God has for you.

Praise God!!!


“Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect and in thy book all were written which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.”(Psalms 139:16)

The Psalmist here is talking about destiny. He says ‘You planned it all out as to how many days I would live. You wrote down the number of them in your books even before I had lived through even one of them.’ Every day of your life was already recorded in His book. All the stages of your life were spread out before God. Your story line is known to God.

You know Jacob who became Israel and had 12 sons. When he was a very old man, he became a prophet of God. So one day he summoned all his sons before him and we see how amazingly he revealed to them their destiny. You have a destiny that only you can complete. Help will be given but it is upon you to fulfill it. What you do with this one life determines your destiny for eternity. Yes this life is the only life to live out the will of God to the fullest in order to enjoy untold privileges in the eternity of God.

But you may have a good destiny but it won’t benefit you if you don’t develop self control. Satan has plenty of time to wait for you to fall. All the potential in the world won’t benefit you if you don’t develop self-control, especially in the area of sexual temptation.

You need to know that the actions of believers determine their future blessings in God’s program. It is not enough to just discover our destiny. We need to see that the events/works that are required should also be done. Even the choices we make today, will affect our destiny tomorrow. There are actions to be taken at the right time and there will be trials in our lives to bring us back to God. All the happenings in our lives and all the incidents that take place propel us in the direction of our destiny.

Some sudden crisis may come your way. Don’t worry. God has accounted for all that in His great plan and destiny. Fulfilling one’s destiny is not for people of weak standing. There is a price to fulfill your destiny. It may take you through valleys and shadows of death. But if you are sincere, God will be with you.

To fulfill your destiny God has given us talents, skills and wisdom. Use them to fulfill your destiny. All the talents you were born with, that you received after you became born again and that you developed and sharpened to earn your daily bread, should also be used for God’s kingdom.

Beloved don’t be afraid you will fulfill your destiny because it is God who works in and through you for His good pleasure. Keep these things in mind and I tell you, you will finish your race and accomplish the purpose God has for you.

Pray, “Lord anytime I go away from my destiny, You lead me back by your grace and mercy. I refuse to be removed from the divine agenda in the name of Jesus. I refuse to be limited by any power of darkness in the name of Jesus. Lord let every perverted destiny be removed from my life in Jesus name. I reject every satanic re-arrangement of my destiny in Jesus name. I refuse to live below my divine standard in Jesus name. Lord let every damage done to my destiny be repaired now in Jesus name. O Lord, restore to me your original plan and design for my life. O Lord, speak to me, lead me and guide me to fulfill what you have for my life. Let the spirit of excellence come upon me. The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon my life in the name of Jesus. I break every curse of backwardness in the name of Jesus. Every unprofitable hurt feelings, offences, distress and pain be gone out of my life in Jesus name. I break everything that controls my life in an evil way in Jesus name.”

Praise God!!!